First, a UUID is only expressed visibly as characters. It’s a 128bit value (16 bytes). V4 having most of the bits as uniquely generated. If you’re storing/hashing uuid as strings you’re doing it wrong.
Second, in terms of user entered expressions, it’s best to use the subset of letters and numbers allowed for VIN, as there’s less chance of misread. Even your example has an S and a 5… zero and O are also problematic, it depends on the case and typeface.
Edit: I just want to add, that for serialization and generation, you may wish to use an unofficial “comb” or “sequential” UUID where the date-time portion follows v1, the version bits follow v4 and the rest is random from a crypto random implementation. The reason for this, is your database serialization for UUID *should* be implemented in such a way that the leading bits are based on the timestamp which will mean mostly ordered database index insertion and less index fragmentation over time. This will generally perform close to columns with increasing integer keys.
Microsoft’s implementation is relatively well documented regarding use with MS SQL server, other database implementations, and language implementations will vary, some will have internalized tooling options (Postgres) and some will have multiple serialization options to match tooling (Mongo).