I think Rust will gain a *LOT* of traction in a few areas. Lower-level services and drivers. As well as application/api servers. It’s worth noting that I think Go will also gain a lot of traction for Application/API servers.
Where Rust has an advantage imho is with support for generics and where absolute performance matters (cpu bound work and performance critical work in particular). It’s like C/C++ with a lot of niceties and not nearly as many foot guns.
Go, by contrast, is very good at pushing data from A to B with some manipulation in the middle. It’s not so great with low level tasks (drivers, etc).
Where either are awesome is the ability to write very fast, very succinct code that can run well in browsers via webassembly. I also predict server-side webassembly frameworks, and dedicated client runtimes (wasm + canvas, or wasm + webgl) will come about without all of the overhead that many options bring, while being portable (arm, x86, mips, etc).
Rust seems to strike a really nice balance of being a lower level language while also providing modern features, and protections other high level languages offer.